August 2015 News and Updates
What's New Welcome BlitzComputing - We are excited to announce the recent acquisition of Blitz Computing and welcome the Blitz Computing family into the Cyber Tech Cafe family. We've worked extensively with the leadership at Blitz Computing to make certain that the transition is transparent. We look forward to working with you as your new tech support company! Hacker Play Date v2.0 - The first Hacker PlayDate (HPD) ended up being a much bigger success than we expected and, as a result, we will be hosting the second Hacker PlayDate (HPDv2.0) on 12 September 2015. HPDv2.0 will be held in the meeting room at Primo's Mexican Cocina (next door to Cyber Tech Cafe) so we won't be quite as cramped. The format will be similar but we plan to have some…