Hacker PlayDate v2.0 scheduled for 12 September 2015
.:12 September 2015 : HPD v2.0:.
The date for the next Hacker Playdate has been set for 12 September 2015. This will be right after Defcon 23, so there’s sure to be a lot to talk about and demo. If you are interested or know someone that may be interested in doing a demo or presentation, let us know as soon as possible. If there’s a specific demo that you’d like to see, let us know. Keep an eye on our Website, Facebook Page and Twitter feed for more info.
Where, When and How Much?
- When – Saturday, 12 September 2015
- Where – Cyber Tech Cafe & Primo’s Cantina, 148 West Main Street, right across from Findley’s Butcher Shop on Main Street. We will be using the meeting room at Primo’s.
- How Much – FREE
Who should attend:
- Business owners, leaders and managers. Do you own a business or are you responsible for managing a business and confidential data (HIPAA, PCI-DSS, etc.)? Do you know how attackers target your business and, once targeted, how they attack? Find out Saturday and talk candidly with expert in the field.
- Network / Systems / Security Administrators. Are you responsible for the computers, network or OpSec / InfoSec for your organization? What better way to find out what you’re defending against than to see it first hand?
- Tech Enthusiasts. Do you want to tinker with technology and hang out with other like minded folks?
- Security Enthusiasts. Kali. Metasploit. Veil. Got root? In addition to the main demonstrations we will be discussing and tinkering with everything from password cracking with THC-Hydra to ARP poisoning with Arpspoof and Ettercap.
- Everyone. It’s hard to turn on the news and not hear about another ‘cyber attack’, virus, data breach, etc. Come meet and talk to folks that spend their days (and nights and weekends) eating and sleeping high-tech.