Cyber Tech Cafe Remote Only Support Extended
As an IT Service Provider, we have been deemed essential by the Cyber Security and Infrastructure Security agency (CISA) and are continuing to provide a full range of remote and on-site services to our medical, healthcare and critical infrastructure customers and will continue to do so as long as we can.
To help protect the health and well being of our team and customers, we will continue to keep the office closed except for pick-up and drop-off by appointment only and focusing on remote only support for all non medical, healthcare and critical infrastructure customers.
Our business hours will remain the same (Monday through Friday, 9:00am until 5:00pm ET and 8:00am until 5:00pm for MyIT customers) and all contact methods (telephone, email, website and regular postal mail) will remain the same.
Our thoughts and prayers are with those impacted by this virus and for all of those on the front lines fighting to keep the rest of us healthy.